The Links area provides links to obtain further information on subjects contained in Scouting Resources. From here you can go on to websites related to your area of interest, pick up some further reading in related books and jot down some contact addresses.
Scouting Websites
Scouting Resources
Badge Resources
Each page of links contains a number of links, each with the site name, a brief review and a URL. The link will take you straight to the site. ( This does mean that you will have to use your Back button on your browser, or equivalent, to return to Scouting Resources).
The star rating is an overall rating for the site. Please note that the star rating is a subjective view taken by the Scouting Resources site and a low (or high) rating should not be taken too seriously. It is merely a simple way of ranking the sites to decide upon which order you should look at them. In keeping with the Scouting spirit I suggest that, if you have the time, you look at all the sites listed. However it certainly is true that some sites could be better and the star rating does serve a purpose.
The reviews of the websites are subject to the above comments. Please note that this site is UK Orientated and contains mostly UK sites unless they are considered to be outstanding and useful to Scouters worldwide.
It would be impractical to list every Scouting site, this is a job best served by search engines and directories. Only sites that are 'relatively easy to find' are featured here. Obscure sites, sites that always seem to be down or completely ridden with mistakes, sites that are very outdated and sites under construction will (hopefully) not feature in these pages.
The sites are checked every month to ensure that the review maintains a fair comment and that the link is active. If you think that the review or star rating is an unfair representation of a site, or have a site to add, then please contact me
If you find a broken link then please use our Broken Link page to report the fault.