A hitch is used to tie a rope to or around an object. This may be a pioneering pole, a tree or indeed another rope.
Sailors often use hitches and many can be tied very quickly (to temporarily tie a line to an anchor) and indeed untied quickly too.
Buntline Hitch - Will not come undone!
Clinch Knot - Useful for fishing line
Clove Hitch - Classic, famous and simple
Constrictor Hitch - Binds very tightly
Cow Hitch - Looks good but is probably the least secure
Figure of 8 Hitch - Quickly tied although not very secure
Fishermans Bend - Not a bend but a very secure hitch
Killick Hitch - Slight modification of the Timber Hitch for pulling a log
Klemheist Knot - A variation of the Prusik Knot
Marlinspike Hitch - This allows you to get extra purchase on a rope when pulling tight
Pedigree Cow Hitch - An extra tuck in a Cow Hitch changes it into a very secure hitch
Pile Hitch - Very simple and very practical
Prusik Knot - Useful in climbing
Rolling Hitch - Made with thin line over a thick rope
Round Turn and 2 Half Hitches - Widely used and very useful
Sheepshank - Designed to shorten a rope before use
Timber Hitch - Very simple and an excellent hitch
Waggoner's Hitch - Simple hitch that acts as a lever